Looking at the world through a scientific lens of ideas needing to be supported by evidence is a great way to make predictions about the world.
We have this idea of things of different sizes pulling on each other we call gravity. If you use that idea with something big like the earth, we predict small things will fall to the ground. When you drop a small thing on earth, it does fall to the ground. When you use the idea of gravity with some other ideas like momentum you can make some other interesting predictions. Using momentum and gravity to predict and orbit is pretty interesting/complicated/sophisticated. The idea of gravity says a thing wants to go one way in a line, and momentum says the thing should go the other way in a line. Together the ideas say you can make a thing go in a circle if you build just the right momentum in just the right direction against gravity. This actually works too. We shoot satellites sideways from the earth really fast and they just stick up there shooting down TV and internet at us.
Ideas like that are pretty valuable. You can back them up with facts and evidence. The universe supports your idea with data.
The idea of "meaning" in the context of "meaning of life" or most uses of the word "meaningful" don't really seem supported by that evidence from that universe lens. This idea of of "meaning" is a concept people make up. It's really not a natural property of the universe. The meaning of the world is constructed by people. Some of it ends up being very complex. Symbols represent an idea that gets built on over the years and become something more and more meaningful over time.
An example: the fasces started in Roman times as a bundle of sticks lashed together, sometimes with an axe on the side. Today it's most commonly used as a symbolic representation of democratic government in tradition of the Roman republic. That symbolism, or meaning, comes from an entirely human history starting, obviously enough, in ancient Rome. Back then, Roman government officials were protected by an entourage of soldiers carrying fasces. Add onto that government tradition, the concept of a bundle of sticks being stronger than a single stick, and the meaning grows stronger.
The layers of meaning in a fasces has built up a lot over the years: power, unity, the tradition of the Roman Republic, order, and so many other things. As a modern thing, the fasces is pretty unimportant in its original role as "weapon". We've invented much better things to do the job a fasces used to do. As a modern symbol the fasces is important for meaning things. On a building, on a coin, or as part of a statue, the fasces symbolizes association with all of the things it means. The only issue is that the things it means are people things. It doesn't carry that meaning out of the civilization it comes from. Animals, tribal people, aliens, etc. don't know the tradition so that meaning basically doesn't mean anything.