Pan Fried Apple and Summer Sausage

I've looked around a bit and don't see any other examples of this dish, so it may be an entirely new creation of mine. It seems so simple that I'd believe someone else had done this before though. At the very least, I created it to my own knowledge and it's pretty simple and excellent

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Looking at the world through a scientific lens of ideas needing to be supported by evidence is a great way to make predictions about the world.

We have this idea of things of different sizes pulling on each other we call gravity. If you use that idea with something big like the earth, we predict small things will fall to the ground. When you drop a small thing on earth, it does fall to the ground. When you use the idea of gravity with some other ideas like momentum you can make some other interesting predictions

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Man Made

I've found myself humbled by really thinking through the scale of the man made world lately. We live in an almost completely constructed world. Every physical product, every aspect of infrastructure, every element of every building, and every piece of software is ultimately the result of people designing and running processes over raw materials again and again until they become the world we live in. The designs and processes have been tried and refined again and again for generations to get where we are today. 

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Made and Organized

Everything man made from tiny beads to immense buildings to completely massive infrastructure like the electrical grid was just other people designing and building those things. We tend to treat things that exist when we're born as part of the world. It doesn't actually work that way though. However old something is, at some point there was just a person who tried to do something and it happened to stick around for some reason.

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The Bloody Mary

The Bloody Mary

The Bloody Mary is a wonderful drink. In most areas of the world, ordering one will get you a glass of tomato juice and a shot of vodka. That is a simple, lazy, and detestable drink that does not meet the basic requirements. It's like asking for an umbrella and getting some cheese cloth on a coat hanger. The ingredients are similar, but you skipped almost everything important about the construction.

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A Philosophy of Food

  1. We eat for nutrition not to feel full. 
  2. Don't eat food that's pretending to be other food.
  3. Bread and Potatoes are filler food that don't provide much nutrition.

We eat food to give our body the things that it needs to operate well.  An ideal meal is delicious and makes you feel good. You stop eating because you have what you're body needs, not because it can't handle any more food. 

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Emoji Categories on Pinterest

Relating to my previous post, we might be able to get image organization by picture on a wide scale if Pinterest allowed emoji as category names and search terms.

There would be a large group of people who would use the emoji simply to identify other use of the emoji in the images. Eventually some people would use the emoji for categorization though and use the smiley emoji to tag things that made them happy and so on. 

They don't seem to allow punctuation in the search right now so I can't find examples of people trying to do this themselves with the emoticons/ASCII art.

Image Based Filters

Filtering, aka "faceted search", has long been lists of text labels you select narrow to narrow down results. It's a very mechanical way to look at sets of things and is very rigid in the way that it decides things are or aren't part of the group. Good for picking electrical components, bad for picking wall paper. 

For more creative exploration, the use of images instead of words seems to fit better somehow. In fact you already see some sites experimenting with color swatches instead of words for their filters. I wanted to explore what filtering would be like if it were only images

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